Tutorials /

Learn all about the Contact Online Diary

GDPR changes

GDPR changes in Contact Online

Harley-Davidson Insurance Link


Make booking from calendar

Book demos and appointments from the calendar

Lexham Insurance Link


Demo given when sale made

Mark a contact as demo given when a sale has been made

Demo given when no sale made

Mark a contact as demo given when no sale has been made

Following up a contact

Follow up somebody that you have spoken to recently

Book a demo

Schedule a demonstration for a recent customer

Schedule a text

Schedule a text to be sent in the future

Contacts Tab Overview

The contacts tab and a brief overview of everything it does

Order Taken, book a PDC and a Delivery

Mark a customer as order taken when you've sold a product to them

Search for contact

Find a contact in the diary

Contact Online Latest Updates

The latest updates to the system

Search function with multiple filters

Target specific types of customers using multiple search filters

Open multiple diaries

View multiple diaries simutaneously

Navigate the diary

Overview of how to get around the diary

Delete a contact to the Recycle Bin

Move contacts to the recycle bin

Catalyst link

Export customer details to Catalyst to avoid double entry of data

Clean up

Clean up your diary, bulk archive overdues

Send an email

Send a single email specific to a customer

Sales Calendar Caravans

Appointments, deliveries, days off in day, week or month view

Add appointment non customer

Book a personal appointment not attached to a contact

Show days off, holidays etc on calendar

Mark a day off, holiday, etc in the diary and on the calendar

Send a text

Send a single text message specific to a customer

Sales Calendar Motorhomes

Appointments, deliveries, days off in day, week or month view

Reassign a contact to another diary

Reassign a contact to another diary

Archive a contact

Archive a contact when no future diary date is required

Send bulk text

Send a text message to multiple contacts

Sales Calendar Motorbikes

Appointments, deliveries, days off in day, week or month view

Add/Remove a Post-It

Find out how to add a note to every day page

Send bulk email

Send bulk email to multiple contacts

Sales Calendar Cars

Appointments, deliveries, days off in day, week or month view

Make 'live' an archived contact

Make 'Live' an archived contact

Add an address

Add an address using postcode look up

Sales Diary Motorbikes

Overview of the motorbike sales diary

Sales Diary Motorhomes

Overview of the motorhome sales diary

Sales Diary Car

Overview of the car sales diary

Sales Diary Caravans

Overview of the caravan sales diary

Use texts to promote your business

Use texts to promote your business

Attachment Uploader

Save pictures or documents for a contact

Database import

Import external contact from your own database

Direct contact import from website to diary

Automatic import of your dealer website leads

Save valuable time with text and email templates

Save valuable time with text and email templates

Service diary

A diary system tailored for after sales

Finance Leads Import

save valuable time by importing your financial leads

Save valuable time with linked documents

Save valuable time with linked documents

Add a safe site

Add Contact Online as a safe site

Change Windows 10 to UK date and language

Change Windows 10 to UK date and language

Overdue Contacts Overview

An explanation of the overdue contacts

Search for Duplicates

Search for an existing customer before creating a new one

Convert to Sales

Convert a previous customer to a new sale

Complete a To Do

Complete a to do to prevent it auto forwarding to tomorrow

Complete a Customer Appointment

Complete an appointment associated with a customer

Complete an Appointment

Complete an appointment that is not assigned to a customer

Complete a Delivery

Action a delivery that has already been completed

Complete a PDC

Follow up a pre delivery call

Complete an ADC

Complete an after delivery call

Add To Do Non Customer

Add something to the to do section

Add a Customer

Add a customer to the diary

Cancel Order

Cancel an order for a customer

Diary Overview

Get an overall feel for the diary layout


Print a general diary page